Deleting a chirp

Verb URI Pattern Controller#Action What should it do? Example action code
DELETE /chirps/:id(.:format) chirps#destroy delete a specific chirp Chirp.find(id).destroy

As you may have guessed, deleting will happen in the chirps#destroy action. Let's add the action to our app/controllers/chirps_controller.rb:

  def destroy
    redirect_to chirps_path

Notice in the verb column for this route, we have the word DELETE. This is a special type of method that we'll use to delete a chirp. Let's put a link in our app/views/chirps/show.html.erb for deleting a chirp:

<%= link_to "Delete this Chirp", chirp_path(@chirp), method: 'delete' %>

Now, if we go to this chirp at http://localhost:3000/chirps/5 and click "Delete this Chirp," we will be redirected to a new list of chirps with that chirp removed.

Ask your coach about the DELETE methods and other methods like GET, PUT and POST.