Edit an existing chirp

What if we want to edit a chirp?

URI Pattern Controller#Action What should it do? Example action code
/chirps/:id/edit(.:format) chirps#edit Show a form for editing an existing chirp Chirp.find(id)
/chirps/:id(.:format) chirps#update Update a specific chirp based based on input from the form Chirp.find(id).update(body: 'a body')

As with showing a specific chirp, our editing form needs to get the information for a specific Chirp. We can tell our chirps#edit action to do the same thing as our chirps#show action by adding this line to the edit action:

    @chirp = Chirp.find(params[:id])

Now, our app/controllers/chirps_controller.rb show look like this:

And in app/views/chirps/edit.html.erb, let's make a form using the existing chirp's information:

<h1>Edit this Chirp</h1>

<%= form_for @chirp do |f| %>

    <%= f.label :author %>
    <%= f.text_field :author %>

    <%= f.label :body %>
    <%= f.text_area :body %>

    <%= f.submit 'Save' %>

<% end %>

Now, if we go to the edit page of a chirp, like the one at http://localhost:3000/chirps/2/edit, we should see something like:

When we try to edit and save, we get an error:

We have to make a chirps#update action, one that will find the chirp we're trying to edit and update it. We can make this by adding:

  def update
    @chirp = Chirp.find(params[:id])

    if @chirp.update(params[:chirp].permit(:author, :body))
      redirect_to chirp_path(@chirp)
      render 'edit'

Now, when we make a change and update, we'll see:

Great! Let's add a link on the show chirp page so we can easily get to the edit page when we want to. In app/views/chirps/show.html.erb, add:

<%= link_to "Edit this Chirp", edit_chirp_path(@chirp) %>

Now, when showing a Chirp, http://localhost:3000/chirps/2 has a link for us to edit the chirp.

Review with your coach what we did with editing a chirp.